Heart Sync Heaven

European Countries and Their Languages Controversy

Apart from England, in any European country we go to, the language problem arises. It goes not for us but for the people of this country because we are our target. They pay well in English; these people do not understand. It is true that every good Glisten. They are also unable to understand our English, but only sometimes. Whenever we wanted to buy a comb in London, we could not buy it in Hamburg.

It was very windy in Hamburg that day, and it was not a pleasure to meet had to change to a town far away. Apart from the usual major railways in Hamburg, Kinds of urban nobles: one U (17) Ban means underground, and the other S (5)) through these, i.e., walking one floor above the surface of the earth, we made our journeys.

Diary of a Wanderer mentions 5 of Berlin because of this, we and the cleric Beloved scholar Paisa newspapermen have been traveling since 1900. I am referring to the station at 5 baht and to the wind blowing in Hamburg. Because of this, our friends were getting worried. Yusuf was jealous that no matter how much the wind blows, they do not face such problems.https://heartsyncheaven.com/neither-a-desire-for-pleasure-nor-a-concern-for-reward

Our spokesman, Mr. Kathryn, went to pick up a ticket, and we went to a shop to buy a comb. Started and went on buying. What would C.O.M. consider a delay? We combed our hair with our fingers. Shown by doing. He first offered a bottle of cream, but we rejected the shampoo. A tube was shown. If we do not agree on this, they will show a heart of hair. Raga, we showed the wheels of the donkeys with our hands; we made a crooked demand. Straight leg.

Mr. Enderlin

He took it out but did not understand it. Instead, how should he tell his combs and other accessories? Will be. Meanwhile, Mr. Enderlin came in and said a word and the shopkeeper’s lot of shells were taken out and placed in front. Let it be today that, after writing, we will run to Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, etc. again. Furnishings are on sale. It is Sunday, and the hour of the church is exactly that time.

After waking up in the morning, we took out the lion’s equipment and applied soap. If you look for the blade, you will find itches searching the corner of the suitcase, but nothing happens. Finally, Main Panchal. Hair done put it on, went down to the counter, and asked where the blades could be bought. That’s good what did the man think? He said, well, you are a bar; are you paying for your bill? We He said no, brother.

Why are there so many thousands of us? Only we want to shave. He said it with his hand on his beard. Said well, but today all Shops are closed. It may be that the railway station is Jihad and Qatar Zaman Nast Tawa. This hotel, which we call Maul Caesar Kit because of its Maul Hashish Huon, Adhere is no other cool recipe to keep.

Breakfast Was a Newspaper Opinion

Only a 15- to 20-minute walk from the stations. So we turned in this direction, not caring about the morning cold. By that time. It was about nine o’clock, but there was no man on the road. Sweet shops were open around the corner. Breakfast was a newspaper opinion. Tobacco others were great, but we were disappointed that someone was selling what we meant.

We’re happening and they were thinking that they would grow a good beard. On the land today an old-fashioned man who is inside and does not have a beard is considered a Miona Mullah. On some of the rules of the beloved religion were also remembered, but at the same time, one of them saw Make. Because of the comb-over experience, we have now sharpened our language skills. I saw the translation of Blade in the Muskrat Dictionary.

BL ATT, but also remembered that what is Brassiere called to oil? Less educated people should know that the word Reese comes from here. Or it may have come out of the razor. There is an empty straw. But it was a big mistake. We first said B LAT7 RASIEREN. And then he ran his hand over his beard. Speak? YOU MEAN BLADE and of leaders. I picked up the packet. It is known.

The Poor Woman

This poor woman could not believe it. The source language was English. Like us, she was not able to speak both languages. Yesterday evening, the taxi driver shouted in response to our request. I said good morning and then started speaking English. Good luck to us! Speaking English, our competition’s language skills are still very good. Said yes am a resident of London. I drive a taxi here; I have also lived in India. Where are you from? We took the names of Pakistan and Karachi. He said Lahore is very beautiful. We said it was a city.

How did you know? Bola I lived in the Ata camp for six years. It is located between Lahore and Amara. Atari and Amara are our understanding. I did not come, but in more detail, it was known that he was from 1920. It was there until 1926. He was a major in the army. We said, “Do you speak Urdu in Ardor?” Not in his understanding if we asked the question in English, he said, I was an officer, and I was in the British Army.

Our redeemed people were black people from the United States. We did not meet. Finally, we said we did not understand the name of your camp. Maybe there is no place for them. He said yes, Atari Amari and we also said about Amritsar that this is the problem of Amritsar. It is known. He confirmed. It was Major Miss Sahib Jiro Nagana Alina. Related I live here alone. In a year or two, London also happens. For me, all places are equal.


I lived in India, lived in Palestine, and know German. Yes, I speak French; I know Amman; I know Spanish; we said Good, sir, we have reached our destination; we took off on Major Sahib. And he said, Thank you. This Major Sahib brought us on the road in 1922. If they saw it, they would have shot it.

The booty is that we return to them. Born after the girls we met in Munich were very polite and did not behave. The word fall has a very broad meaning and can give rise to some misunderstandings. Is. We meant we had Nashi Alf with us as a guide. This is also our own. Due to the breadth of knowledge, judicial terms were attached, said, and so on. She knew a lot, and she even heard the name of our country.

But what is the name of our language? Listen and laugh. Speak up. AR undo? We have corrected that there is no Urdu, not Urdu. After that, he remembered this name. Obviously, the qualities of our language are related to it. Eloquence and eloquence, works of art, obedience, consideration, afoul, mail, seem, fail, and others It took him years to get to the nuances, and he got there. We didn’t have many years to deliver; Boehm summed them up.

I was told that our place in the great literature of this language is that of hundreds of people. How is held there head over heels? How can the whites of our country come to us? After hearing the news, they stand in rows after each other. There is also an opportunity for rejection. Understand that as Goethe is in German literature, so are we in Urdu literature.

The translation of two or three poems by Fail was also recited, saying that this is our sample poem, very happy. Our goal was to make them happy. Fail Sahib in Russia If you want to add color by reading our poems with your name, please get permission from us. Is. In exchange, Madman Gala does not have.https://www.si.edu/object/siris_sil_1062597

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